Aaron J. Speaks, AIA
associate architect

Architecture is more than mere building. Meaningful architecture is a vessel—of light, of space, of materials—sensitive to the lives and needs of those who experience it. It embodies ideas that are both functional and emotionally resonate.
Aaron received his Bachelor of Architecture in 2009 from the Mississippi State University College of Architecture, Art, and Design, a program firmly rooted in teaching foundations of conjectural design work. One of the most important lessons he took from his education is that, as designers, we must resist reductive problem solving habits by embracing the requisite uncertainty and risk of any creative work and engage in critical thinking in order to make cogent architectural judgments. He supplemented his formal architectural education with construction experience. That experience has been an invaluable demonstration that good design is never absent thoughtful detailing which takes into account both tectonics and the physical constraints of building.
Aaron believes that good design, and subsequently good architecture, stems from hard work, rigorous and thoughtful questioning, and a willing responsiveness toward unexpected discoveries. At modus studio, we engage each of these qualities everyday with energy and enthusiasm.