the evans tree house featured in new book.
Jul 20, 2021

A new book titled "Tree Houses: Escape to the Canopy" features The Evans Tree House, as well as 34 other tree houses from around the world. The book is published by The Images Publishing Group and includes an introduction by Peter Eising of Pacific Environments, a fellow signatory in the Architects Declare global network.
"From the simplest to more complex and sophisticated designs, tree houses are built to captivate the minds of young and old, rekindling fond childhood memories and inspiring memories yet to be created. It is our responsibility to encourage new generations to use their imaginations wherever possible. Creativity lies in the foraging of materials, fixings, and tools, learning from trial and error, and embracing nature and the elements that impact our lives."
Have you visited The Evans Tree House at Garvan Woodland Gardens? We would love to hear about your experience!