block 7 under construction.
Mar 22, 2021
The project known as 'Block 7' is under construction in downtown Redding, California. This mixed-use development is three blocks long and contains a mix of offices, shops, market-rate housing, affordable housing, a parking deck, and a public park, all replacing an aging set of parking decks. The five-story north tower, located on the corner of Tehama and California Streets, will be home to leasable office space and various programs at Shasta College. Behind the tower are a six-story parking deck, a four-story market-rate apartment building with ground-level retail and office space, and a three-and-a-half-story affordable housing building at the mid-block.
Community leaders have been hard at work for several years laying the groundwork for this downtown revitalization project. Block 7 is a joint effort by The McConnell Foundation, K2 Development, and The City of Redding, and created by the design collaboration of modus studio and DMARCstudio. Modern Building is the general contractor.
Construction of the parking deck is currently underway, with the remaining phases of the project coming soon.