Aug 23, 2024

PK Night is upon us! It's our 18th time hosting this event, and we can't wait for you to join us once again!
Here's the current list of our amazing presenters:
• Jinoh Park
• Sarah King
• Polina Powers
• Diana Campos
• Reese Roberts
• Blaine Sanders
• Christopher Laskoski
For the new folks, here's more info. Twice a year, we open our shop door for a diverse round of speakers from the community in a gathering unlike any other. If you're unfamiliar with the term, Pecha Kucha is the Japanese word for chit-chat that describes a presentation style in which a speaker shares 20 slides on a topic of their choice for 20 seconds per slide. In simplest terms, a PK is like a party where the presentations are the game - fun and social, but often informative and interesting.
Grab a friend and enjoy an evening with the community.
Food + beverages provided.
Spread the word.
All are welcome.