SCUP mass timber symposium.
Mar 15, 2022

Chris Baribeau, principal architect at modus studio, will be a featured speaker at a symposium on mass timber on April 4th. The Arkansas Timber Project: Mass Timber Immersion at the University of Arkansas, hosted by the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP), highlights the university's collective efforts to advance mass timber education and campus projects. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn from the design teams, campus planners, and members of the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design's leadership and faculty that have made the university's mass timber projects a success. The event includes a campus walking tour and roundtable discussion where featured speakers will examine the direct economic impact of mass timber at the campus, regional, and state level, and will review lessons learned from past and current projects. Visit this link to register for this event or learn more details.