michael pope presents at ARPA.
Sep 30, 2024

Do you recognize any parks by their architectural elements?
Even with all the excitement around our 18th Pecha Kucha event last week, modus associate architect Michael Pope snuck off to Jonesboro, Arkansas, for the annual Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association conference and tradeshow. While there, Michael presented a park planning educational session titled Architecture as Art: Park Buildings That Contribute to the Experience of Place.
We all know that parks can inspire and engage the community, but Michael asserts that architectural elements should transform parks into immersive art experiences and that the architecture itself can contribute to the park's memorable identity and character.
"We all value and understand the significant physical, mental, and social benefits that parks bring to our communities. Using the architectural elements inherent in park facilities as art pieces enhances these benefits and brings added value to the park by creating a heightened sense of place." - Michael Pope
Our parks and recreation adventures continue next week as our team travels to Atlanta for the 2024 National Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference! If you're there, come see us at booth 2424!
[photo by Timothy Hursley]